
312066Z 21
Hose Heat System
Before performing any troubleshooting procedures:
1. Relieve pressure, page 23.
2. Turn main power OFF .
3. Allow equipment to cool.
Try the recommended solutions in the order given for
each problem, to avoid unnecessary repairs. Also,
determine that all circuit breakers, switches, and con-
trols are properly set and wiring is correct before assum-
ing there is a problem.
Hose heats but heats slower
than usual or it does not reach
Ambient temperature is too cold. Use auxiliary hose heat system.
FTS failed or not installed correctly. Check FTS, page 10.
Low supply voltage. Verify line voltage. Low line voltage signifi-
cantly reduces power available to hose
heat system, affecting longer hose
Hose does not maintain tem-
perature while spraying.
A and B setpoints too low. Increase A and B setpoints. Hose is
designed to maintain temperature, not to
increase it.
Ambient temperature is too cold. Increase A and B setpoints to increase
fluid temperature and keep it steady.
Flow too high. Use smaller mix chamber. Decrease pres-
Hose was not fully preheated. Wait for hose to heat to correct tempera-
ture before spraying.
Low supply voltage. Verify line voltage. Low line voltage signifi-
cantly reduces power available to hose
heat system, affecting longer hose
Hose temperature exceeds set-
A and/or B heaters are overheating
Check primary heaters for either a ther-
mocouple problem or a failed element
attached to thermocouple, page 10.
Faulty thermocouple connections. Verify that all FTS connections are snug
and that pins of connectors are clean.
Examine connection of thermocouples to
long green plug on heater control board.
Unplug and re-plug thermocouple wires,
cleaning off any debris. Unplug and
re-plug long green connector on heater
control board.
Missing/damaged insulation around
FTS, causing the hose heat to be ON
Ensure hose bundle has adequate insula-
tion evenly covering the entire length and
connection joints.