Operator Screens
18 309504E
Battery Level Information ___________________________________
Place the cursor over the Battery Level Information box, causing the text to turn yellow. Left click the box to go to the
Battery Level Information screen. See F
IG. 34.
This screen provides battery charge level for all meters
and tank level monitor batteries in the system. Each row
corresponds to a meter or tank.
Date & Time - the date and time of the last battery sta-
tus update
Meter Or Tank Name - the name of the meter or tank,
including the fluid name associated with it.
Warning Level - the user-configurable point at which the
battery should be replaced for the meter or tank,
expressed as a percentage of a fully charged battery
and set in the meter or tank’s setup configuration.
Battery Level Status - the actual battery status,
expressed as a percentage of a fully charged battery.
If a tank level monitor’s battery level status drops below
it’s configured warning level, the row corresponding to
that tank level monitor in the list will turn red. This high-
lights the fact that a tank level monitor has a battery level
nearing zero and should have a new battery installed.
The row will stay red until the battery is changed and
Matrix receives a reading from that tank level monitor.
IG. 34 Battery Level Information Screen