14 3A2988B
Example #1: What is the pressure loss of a 2,000 cps
material through 150 ft of 3/8 in. ID hose at 0.75 gpm?
690 psi (from chart) x 2 (2,000 cps /1,000) x 3 (150 ft / 3)
x 0.75 (gpm) = 3105 psi loss
This is a lot of pressure loss before reaching the spray
gun. Continue to Example #2 which examines the same
situation but with a 1/2 in. ID hose.
Example #2: What is the pressure loss of a 2,000 cps
material through 150 ft of 1/2 in. ID hose at 0.75 gpm?
218 psi (from chart) x 2 (2,000 cps /1,000) x 3 (150 ft / 3)
x 0.75 (gpm) = 981 psi loss
Table 2: Hose Selection by Pressure Drop
Hose ID
Pressure drop in psi
(per 50 ft section per 1,000
cps at 1 gal/min.)
Pressure Drop in bar
(per 15.24 meter section per
1,000 cps at 1 liter/min.)
1/8 55,910 1,018
3/16 11,044 201
1/4 3,494 64
3/8 690 13
1/2 218 4
5/8 89 1.62
3/4 43 0.78
Reference Formula
Total Pressure Drop=PxVxLxF
P= Pressure drop from chart
V = Viscosity in centipoise /1000
L= Length of hose in feet / 50
F= Flow rate in gallons per minute