Outdoor Coohb_g (enters
Ste 7
the Burners
A_!jusm_ents should not be required, unless
vibration during transit or variations in local
gas supply make minor a_!justments necessary.
Ac!justments must be made by a qualified
technician at tile time of installation. Extreme
care should be used if ac!justments are made
after installation.
• Turn gas supply on.
• Push and turn tile burner control knobs to
tile "LITE" position. Up to 20 seconds may
be required to to purge air fl'Oln tile lines.
• Flames should be blue and stable with no
yellow tips, excessive noise or lifting fl'om tile
burner. If any of these conditions exist turn
control to off and check air shutter and
burner ports for debris or spider webs.
• Remove burners by lifting and twisting while
pulling towards tile back.
• Locate and loosen tile lock screw on tile time
of tile air shutter with a screwdriver.
• Replace tile burners.
• Turn burner knob to tile "LITE" position.
• If tile flame is yellow, indicating insufficient
air, ttlrn tile air shtltter open to allow more
air to tile burner.
• If tile flame is noisy and tends to lift away
fl'om tile burner, there is too much air. Turn
the air shutter to reduce tile opening.
• Side b/irners can be ac!justed in tile salne
11/an n er.
Low setting Adjustment:
Minor a_!justments may be required due to
fluctuations in local gas pressure. Ac!justments
to increase or decrease gas flow may be
necessar V,
• Turn burner knob to "LITE" position.
• Turn tile control knob to tile lowest setting,
all tile way counter-clockwise.
• Remove tile knob by pulling straight out.
• Insert a thin-blade fiat screwdriver into tile
valve shaft and hold. (3/32" blade width
recolnln ei_ded.)
• Grip the shaft with pliers and tm'n the
screwdriver counter-clockwise to lower the
flame, or clockwise to increase the flame.
• When the desired setting is made, replace the
knob and turn burner off.
NOTE: Ac!justment of tile illfra-red rotisserie
b/lrner is not recoi//i//ended,
Valve Stem
Always check tile low flame size fl_r stability. A
burner flame which is too small may go out or
be extinguished easilv. This can cause un-
burned gas to escape and cause a hazardous