28 Rino 520HCx and 530HCx Owner’s Manual
BaSIc operatIon
When you are not on an active Go To, track, or route (in
other words, not traveling to a recorded destination), the
compass ring shows your heading while you are moving,
but the data elds at the top of the page do not show any
destination related data, such as estimated time of arrival.
Compass page with course pointer
and course deviation indicator (CDI)
scale active.
CDI scale
To stop navigating:
1. Open the option menu of the Compass, Highway,
or Map page.
2. Select Stop Navigation.
Compass Page Options
Sight ‘N Go—use the Sight ‘N Go feature to locate
a landmark visually and then lock in a magnetic
heading to it. (Rino 530HCx feature only.)
Stop Navigation/Resume Navigation
resumes navigation.
Recalculate—recalculates the active route.
Bearing Pointer/Course Pointer
—toggle between
bearing (always directed toward your destination)
and course (shows amount of correction needed to
get back on course.)
Show Data Fields
—toggle to show data fields on
the display or removing the data fields.
Calibrate Compass
—calibrates the electronic
compass. Follow the on-screen instructions. (Rino
530HCx feature only.)
Defaults—return options and data field
choices to factory designations.