Appendix B
GPS 35LP Evaluation Kits
GPS 35LP evaluation materials kit (part number 010-10186-00) is available from Garmin International.
This kit includes two DB-9 connectors with solder pots, various mounting brackets, hookup wire, technical
specification, and software to monitor the GPS 35LP outputs and configure the receiver.
To install the evaluation and configuration software run the program, setup, by using the FILE - RUN
command in Windows.
The NMEAVWR.EXE program in the GARMIN program group can accept NMEA data from either the
com1 or com2 PC serial port at 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 or 19200 baud. The default settings are com1 at
4800 baud. NMEAVWR receives NMEA sentences and displays sentence information in a formatted
display on the screen.
The top portion of the screen displays the 5 character identifier of sentences received, the age in
seconds since the last transmission, and a count of the number of times the sentence has been received.
The middle portion of the screen displays the most recently received data in the sentence with the
selected NMEA identifier (highlighted in the top portion of the screen using the arrow keys).
The lower portion contains a formatted presentation of the currently selected sentence. In addition to
receiving data the program will also upload NMEA sentences to the sensor board. The ALT-U key
sequence will upload the file NMEA.TXT in the current directory to the unit. Received data can also be
logged to a file. NMEAVWR can be invoked from a DOS prompt with the following optional parameters:
<path>nmeavwr [/b:<baud>] [<port>] [log_file.txt]
[ ] brackets indicate optional parameters
<path> DOS path to nmeavwr.exe if not in current directory
<baud> baud rate
<port> PC communications port
log_file.txt ASCII log file of all received sentences
c:\garmin>nmeavwr /b:9600 com2 log_file.txt
If no options are used, the defaults are 4800 baud, com1, and no data logging.
The configuration program GPSCFG.EXE will configure the sensor boards based on user selected
parameters. Some program features include the ability to download sensor board configuration, maintain
different configurations in files, and perform sensor board configurations quickly with the use of one
function key. Online program help is available.