Garmin G600 Pilot’s Guide
190-00601-02 Rev. E
Sec 1
Sec 2
Sec 3
Sec 4
Sec 5
Sec 6
& Alerts
Sec 7
Sec 8
GlossaryAppendix A
Appendix B
1) While viewing the Weather Radar page of the Wx page group, press the MENU
2) To activate or deactivate Weather Alerts, turn the large or small
MFD knob to
highlight either “Enable Weather Alert” or “Inhibit Weather Alert.” Activating
and deactivating will also enable or inhibit the alert on the MFD.
4.10.7 Ground Mapping and Interpretation
A secondary use of the weather radar system is for the presentation of terrain.
This can be a useful tool for verifying aircraft position. A “picture” of the ground
is represented much like a topographical map that can be used as a supplement
to the navigation map on the MFD.
Ground Map mode uses a different gain range than Weather mode. Different
colors are also used to represent the intensity levels. The displayed intensity of
ground target returns are defined in the following table. Use of the GAIN and
TILT controls will help improve contrast so that specific ground targets can be
recognized more easily. As previously discussed, the type and orientation of the
target in relation to the aircraft affects the intensity displayed.
Ground Map
Mode Color
GWX Radars Intensity
3rd Party Radars
BLACK 0 dB 0
LIGHT BLUE > 0 dB to < 9 dB 1
YELLOW 9 dB to < 18 dB 2
MAGENTA 18 dB to < 27 dB 3 and above
BLUE 27 dB and greater Not Used
Table 4-23 Ground Target Return Intensity Levels
Figure 4-89 GWX Radar Ground Mode Scale 3rd Party Radar Ground Mode Scale