Edge 605/705 Owner’s Manual 37
USinG acceSSorieS
minute. The ve commonly accepted
heart rate zones are numbered from
1–5 according to increasing intensity.
Generally, heart rate zones are
calculated based on percentages of
your maximum heart rate.
How Do Heart Rate Zones
Affect Your Fitness Goals?
Knowing your heart rate zones can
help you measure and improve
your tness by understanding and
applying these principles:
Zone % of Max.
Heart Rate
Perceived Exertion Benets
1 50–60% Relaxed, easy pace;
rhythmic breathing
Beginning-level aerobic
training; reduces stress
2 60–70% Comfortable pace;
slightly deeper breathing,
conversation possible
Basic cardiovascular training;
good recovery pace
3 70–80% Moderate pace; more
difcult to hold conversation
Improved aerobic capacity;
optimal cardiovascular training
4 80–90% Fast pace and a bit
uncomfortable; breathing
Improved anaerobic capacity
and threshold; improved speed
5 90–100% Sprinting pace,
unsustainable for long
period of time; labored
Anaerobic and muscular
endurance; increased power