Thank you for purchasing this VHF Radiotelephone FM-8500. We
are confident you will discover why FURUNO has become syn-
onymous with quality and reliability.
Dedicated in the design and manufacture of marine electronics
equipment for half a century, FURUNO Electric Company has
gained an unrivaled reputation as a world leader in the industry.
This is the result of our technical excellence as well as our world-
wide distribution and service network.
Please carefully read and follow the safety information and oper-
ating and maintenance instructions set forth in this manual before
attempting to operate the equipment and conduct any maintenance.
Your VHF Radiotelephone FM-8500 will perform to the utmost of
its ability only if it is operated and maintained in accordance with
the correct procedures.
The FM-8500 is a highly advanced, semi-duplex, fully synthesized
25W VHF transceiver with DSC terminal, designed to satisfy the
stringent requirements of marine communications. It complies with
GMDSS carriage requirements for safety and general communica-
• Conforms to the following standards and regulations:
IMO A. 694(17)
IMO A. 803(19)
IMO A. 524(13)
IMO MSC 68(68), MSC/Circ.862
IEC-60945 (3rd edition)
ETS 300 338, 301 033, 300 162
ITU-R M.493-9, M.541-8, M.689-2
• Automatic position and time input and update with connection
of EPFS (Electronic Position-Fixing Equipment).
• Optional printer can automatically print out received messages
and test results.
• Log stores 50 each of latest ordinary, distress and transmitted
messages, in separate memory blocks.
• One-touch testing facility.
Program number
DSC 0550182010 (version 1.12)
RT 0550183006 (version 1.06)