Shows that an International frequency
(518 kHz) message has not been read.
While printing.
Print error
(no paper, not connected to the printer, etc.)
Displayed when the battery voltage is low.
Displayed while the
is receiving
a message.
I: International frequency (518 kHz),
L1 : 490 kHz, L2: 4209.5 kHz
Shows that a Local frequency message
has not been read.
L1: 490 kHz, L2: 4209.5 kHz
NX-700-B (Display only)
NX-700-A (Display with printer)
FURUNO NX-700 is a dual-channel NAVTEX receiver for SOLAS
ships complying with the new NAVTEX performance standard
MSC.148(77) which is implemented on and after 1 July 2005.
The NX-700 can receives two channels simultaneously. One is set
for 518 kHz to receive international NAVTEX messages and
another is selectable from 490 or 4209.5 kHz for domestic or local
NAVTEX messages. These messages include a variety of safety
information such as Navigational Warnings, Meteorological
Warnings, Search and Rescue (SAR) information and other
information for ships sailing within the reach of each service
station’s coverage. The broadcast station can be selected
automatically according to own ship position when the NX-700 is
connected with a GPS navigator.
Every incoming message is stored in non-volatile memory and is
displayed on the clear 5" silver bright LCD. Three different font
sizes are available and one of them can be selected on menu.
The NX-700-A consists of a receiver, display with printer and
antenna units. The NX-700-B has a low profile, stylish display
without a printer, receiver and antenna units. The compact
umbrella type antenna requires no grounding because it is H-field
antenna. In addition, the antenna incorporates a high-performance
preamp within the compact body, which gives reliable and
uninterrupted reception without an extra whip antenna.
Essential navigational data is clearly
displayed at the bottom of display when
connected with a positioning equipment.
Three font sizes are available for convenience
of the operation.
All received messages with a selected
channel information are sorted by order of
time in the message inbox. Operators can
easily know the status of each message
from the message ID and icons. When
receiving SAR information, NX-700 notifies
of the incoming messages by audible alarm.
For quick viewing, operators can pick up
messages they are interested in and display
them by using the sort function.
Dual-channel NAVTEX Receiver
Dual-channel NAVTEX Receiver
Fully meets new IMO resolution MSC.148(77) to be implemented on and
after 1 July 2005 requiring:
Dual channel reception, 518 kHz and either 490 or 4209.5 kHz,
Incorporates a printing device (NX-700-A) or a dedicated display device
with printer output (NX-700-B)
200 message of average length 500 characters can be stored in non-
volatile memory
Incorporates a preamp within a lightweight, compact antenna for reliable,
uninterrupted reception
Display messages on a clear 5" silver bright LCD
Low power consumption
NAV data display acts as NMEA repeater for GPS or instruments
Enhances the navigation efficiency and safety by watching NAVTEX
messages broadcasted on both international and local channels
Message display
NavData window
Guide for key controls
Shows distance from own ship to a position of event, which
is mentioned in message. This enables swift understanding
of whether the position is nearby own ship or not.
Distance window
Status icons
Message icons
sMessage format sFonts
sType of message (category)
Status icon
Message icon
Message inbox
Displayed when message has not been read yet.
Displayed when message type D (SAR)
is received.
Displayed when message type A. B or L
(Warning) is received.
Protected message
(32 characters x 16 lines)
(19 characters x 9 lines)
(38 characters x 19 lines)
A Navigational warning
B Meteorological warning
C Ice report
D Search and rescue information/
piracy and armed robbery
E Meteorological forecast
F Pilot message
G DECCA message
H LORAN-C message
I OMEGA message
J Differential OMEGA message
Other electronic navigational aid
system message
Navigational warning (additional)
M to U Reserve-presently not used
Notice to Fishermen (U. S. only)
W to Y Reserve-presently not used
Z QRU (no message on hand)
ZCZC b1 b2 b3 b4
Message ID
Start code
Main message
Termination code
Serial number
"00":Emergency message
"01"-"99":Normal message
Type of message
"A"-"Z" (See the list below.)
Station ID
main message
Operators can print out important
messages by pressing a dedicated
“PRINT” button.
Antenna Unit
Receiver Unit