Note: The currently accepted engine data is as follows:
- Engine Parameters (PGN 127488)
Engine Speed
Engine Boost Pressure
- Engine Parameters (PGN 127489)
Engine Oil Pressure
Engine Temp
Engine Temperature Status
Engine Warning Status
Click on “Next” to continue the configuration
3.3.2. Assigning Nicknames
You can assign Nicknames to every Ethernet Sensor, NMEA2000
instrument/sensor/display and NMEA0183 Receive Port for every MFD in a network.
This will help you remember locations and assign the sensors designated as the
Primary System Data Source during the next step.
As explained in section 3.2.3 NMEA, if you have NMEA0183 sensors
connected to the input ports of MFD(s) on the network, you first need to configure the
“Own” settings for each MFD(s) before being able to assign Niccknames.
In order to enter new names, a USB keyboard needs to be used. After assigning new
names on the left column, don’t forget to push the “Set” button (lower right) in order to
validate the new names.