7.1 Calculating Range, Bearing
and TTG
Range and bearing between two
1. Press the [MENU] key once or twice to
open the menu.
2. Select CALCULATE.
3. Press the [ENT] key.
Figure 7-1 CALCULATION menu
4. Press the [ENT] key to display the win-
dow shown in Figure 7-2.
Figure 7-2 WAYPOINTS, ROUTE prompt
5. Select WAYPOINTS and press the
[ENT] key.
6. Press the [ENT] key.
7. Enter the FROM waypoint and press the
[ENT] key.
8. Press the [ENT] key, enter the TO
waypoint and press the [ENT] key.
9. Press the [ENT] key. The window shown
in Figure 7-3 appears.
Figure 7-3 AUTO, MANUAL prompt
10.Select AUTO or MANU. AUTO uses
ship’s average speed; MANU is for
manual entry of speed.
11.Press the [ENT] key.
12.If you selected MANU, press the [ENT]
key again. Enter speed with the cursor
pad and press the [ENT] key.
Figure 7-4 shows what the display might
look like using waypoints KOBE and
OSAKA as the FROM and TO
waypoints, respectively.
Figure 7-4 Typical range and bearing
calculation display
13.Press the [MENU] key twice to finish.
Range, TTG, ETA between first and
final waypoints of a route
You can easily find the range, TTG and ETA
between the first and final waypoints of a
route as follows:
1. Press the [MENU] key once or twice to
open the menu.
2. Select CALCULATE and press the
[ENT] key.
3. Press the [ENT] key.
4. Select ROUTE and press the [ENT] key.
5. Press the [ENT] key.
6. Select route number from the route list
with the cursor pad.