Mode : ARQ FEC
ID :
Manual Calling
Manual calling screen
6. Use the [←] or [→] key to choose appropriate communication mode.
7. Press the [↓] key and input party's ID number.
8. Press the [Enter] key to connect the communication line. “Channel Busy Check”
appears to inform you that the equipment is checking if the line is busy. If the line is
free, “Connect”, “Send” and “Lock” appear in highlight as below. Further, “HT” (High
Tension) also appears when the line is connected.
Station Name :
Frequency (T/R) : 8765.00 / 8965.00(kHz) Comm Mode :ARQ
Comm Status : Connect Send Lock Error
Sending Volume : 100(%) ARQ Error : 0 ARQ Time : 0(sec)
1:File 2:Edit 3:Operate 4:Window 5:Station 6:System 7:WRU 8:HR 9:Over 10:Break
2002-09-08 2:14:28 UTC
For ARQ mode, go to step 9. For FEC mode, type your message and go to step 13.
9. Press the function key [F7] (WRU). The party's answerback code appears on the
Note: Step 9 and 10 are needed for ship-to-ship calling only.
10. Press the function key [F8] (HR). Your ship's answerback code is sent to the party.
11. Press the [Enter] key and type your message.
12. If you want to receive other party's response, press the function key [F9] (Over).
13. Press the function key [F10] (Break) to disconnect the line.