1.10 Selecting the Range Scale
The display range scale is changed in 13
steps on the R-type (11 steps on the IMO-
type) by pressing the [+] and [-] keys. The
selected range scale and range ring in-
terval are shown at the upper left corner
on the screen.
The display range can be expanded by
75% (100% in R-type) in any direction by
using the off-centering control.
1.11 Selecting the Pulsewidth
The pulsewidth in use is displayed at the
upper-left position of the screen using the
abbreviations shown in the table above.
Appropriate pulsewidths are preset to in-
dividual range scales and function keys.
Therefore, you are not usually required
to select them. If you are not satisfied with
the current pulsewidth settings, however,
it is possible to change them by the Ra-
dar menu operation shown below.
You can choose the pulsewidth 1 or 2 on
the scales 0.5 to 24 nm ranges on X-
band models (0.75 to 24 nm ranges on
S-band models).
Selecting pulsewidth 1 or 2
1. Press the RADAR MENU key on the
plotting keypad to show the FUNC-
TIONS menu.
2. Press the [1] key to select menu item 1
3. Press the [1] key to select (or highlight)
PULSEWIDTH 1 OR 2 as appropriate.
4. Press the ENTER key to conclude your
selection followed by the RADAR
MENU key to close the FUNCTION
)esluptrohS(S–80.0 µs
)1esluptrohS(1S70.0 µs–
)2esluptrohS(2S51.0 µs–
)1eslupmuideM(1M3.0 µs3.0 µs
)2eslupmuideM(2M5.0 µs6.0 µs
)eslupgnoL(L2.1 µs2.1 µs
For FR/FAR-2855, 2855W and 2565SW,
0.3 µs becomes 0.2 µs.
Presetting pulsewidths 1 and 2
Pulsewidth 1 and 2 can be preset on the
Pulsewidth 1 and 2 menus. Shown below
are examples of the pulsewidth setup pro-
1. To enable selection of S1 (0.07 µs) and
S2 (0.15 µs) pulsewidth on the 0.5 nm
range on an X-band model, select S1
at 0.5 nm on the PULSEWIDTH 1
menu and S2 at 0.5 nm on the PULSE-
WIDTH 2 menu.
2. To enable selection of S2 (0.15 µs) and
M1 (0.3 µs) pulsewidth on the 3 nm
range on an X-band model, select S2
at 3 nm in the PULSEWIDTH 1 menu
and M1 at 3 nm in the PULSEWIDTH
2 menu.
A longer pulse provides an increased de-
tection range, but with reduced discrimi-
nation. If you need discrimination in
preference to detection, choose a shorter
Example: To select S1 (0.07 µs) as
Pulsewidth 1 for the 0.5 nm range, dis-
play the PULSEWIDTH 1 menu following
the steps shown above and hit the [2] key
to choose "2 0.5 NM." Further hit the [2]
key until the menu option "S1" is high-
lighted to the right of "2 0.5 NM."
Note: For FR-2815/2825, the menus on
the next page are for the R-type. Refer to
paragraph 1.32 or the menus on the IMO