Radar Type and Function Availability
This radar series is available in four types: [River], [Sea], [IEC] and [Russian-River], and function
availability depends on type. The table below shows type and function availability.
[River]: For river, [Sea]: For sea, [IEC]: IEC compliant radar, [Russian-River]: For Russian river
Type and function availability
Item Type
River Sea IEC Russian-River
Automatic menu
Menu does not close automatically. Menu closes automatically when
there is no menu operation for 10
Effective radius
dot count
300 dots 262 dots
Echo color Select the echo display color among
[Yellow], [Green], [Orange] or [Multi].
Select the echo display color among
[Yellow], [Green] or [Orange].
Echo color cus-
Can customize the echo display col-
Can not customize the echo display
Echo area Select the display area from [Normal]
or [Full Screen].
Can not select. Display area is circle
Base text display Can show or hide the base text indi-
Can not hide the base text indica-
Range preset Select the radar ranges to use. Can not select
the radar ranges
to use.
Unit defaults 1)
range 2) speed
1) KM 2) km/h,
1) NM 2) kn 1) KM 2) km/h,
Bearing scale Graduation every 1°, 5°, 10°, 30°, no
numeric indication, displayed in the
effective radius
Graduation every 1°, 5°, 10°, 30°, nu-
meric indication every 30°, displayed
out of the effective radius
VRM unit Can set the VRM unit independently
from the range unit.
Can not set the VRM unit indepen-
dently from the range unit.
Range unit Can change the range unit when
Can not change the range unit in
transmit. Only in standby.
AIS symbol color Select the AIS symbol color from
[Green], [Red], [Blue], [White] or
Select the AIS symbol color from
[Green], [Blue], [White] or [Black].
Vector reference Select the display mode for the vector
from [Relative] or [True].
Pulselength • 2NM/4KM/2SM: MP
• 4NM/8KM/4SM: LP
• 2NM/4KM/
2SM: SP or
• 4NM/8KM/
4SM: MP or LP
The rule for the
numbering of
ARPA targets
Non-IEC system IEC system
Marks temporary
hidden by press-
ing and holding
OFF key
Heading line, all marks (EBL, VRM,
target alarm zone, etc.)
Heading line, vector of your ship (with