
2.37.5 Chart scale indications
The system alerts you to the availability of larger
scale ENC and overscale, at the top-left position.
When the radar display range is higher than the
chart scale of the ENC chart, the indication,
"Larger scale ENC" is displayed. For example,
the radar range is 24 NM and the range available
with the ENC chart is less than 12 NM.
When the radar display range is lower than the
chart scale of the ENC chart, the indication "Over-
scale x.xx" (x.xx=overscale factor). For example,
the radar range is 0.25 NM and the chart scale is
0.5 NM.
If both conditions exist, both indications are displayed.
2.37.6 Chart status
The indication "Chart status" appears at the top-right position on the screen when the
display date for the currently displayed chart has passed.
2.37.7 Chart alert function
The chart alert function operates in chart mode only. There are two types of chart
alerts: your ship's predicted course, and route alert. See the chapter on chart alerts for
For the ship's predicted course alert, the operator sets a safety contour. (See
section 8.2.1 for how to set a safety contour suitable for the ship.) The operator also
sets the parameters for own ship predicted movement. (See section 11.2 How to Ac-
tivate Own Ship Check.)
For the route alert, route planning (see section 12.3 How to Create a New Route) and
route monitoring (see section 14.1 How to Select the Route to Monitor) functions are
Location of chart scale indications