3.7.2 Specifying Sector Width and Length
When 2 DUAL RADAR in the DUAL RADAR menu is set for "COMBINE", specify
the width and length o
f the sector from the external radar to display on own radar.
1. Open the INITIALIZE menu.
2. Press the [3] key to show the SCANNER menu.
3. Select 9 [DUAL RADAR] and push the left button.
4. Select 3 COMBINE MODE and push the left button.
5. Select OWN or EXT and push the left button.
a) OWN: Set own radar’s antenna as reference point and set display
area of own radar. The area outside that set here is where the image
from the external radar will be displayed.
b) EXT: Set external radar’s antenna as reference point and set
display area of external radar. The area outside that set here is where
the image from own radar will be displayed.
Picture from
external radar
Position of antenna
for external radar
Position of antenna
for own radar
Picture from
own radar
Radar selected for COMBINE: Own
START: 45 degrees
ANGLE: 270 degrees
START: 00.00 nm
LENGTH: 99.99 nm
Radar selected for COMBINE: External
START: 315 degrees
ANGLE: 90 degrees
START: 00.00 nm
LENGTH: 99.99 nm
6. Select 4 COMBINE SECTOR and push the left button.