Retractable Rack Lights, Rear Panel Lamp
and Dimmer Control:
The PL-PRO II and PL-PRO D II utilize a
dimmer control for the two retractable front
panel light tubes. The dimmer knob controls
the brightness of both light xtures. Turn
it clockwise to increase brightness; turn it
counterclockwise to decrease brightness.
When the lights are not in use, we recommend
turning the dimmer fully counterclockwise to
maximize the life of the LED’s, however, this
is not absolutely necessary. Whether the light
tubes are retracted or ush with the front panel,
there will be no appreciable heat regardless of
dimmer setting due to the efciency of our full
light spectrum LED’s.
All Series II units feature a rear rack BNC
socket which will accept any 12 VAC (0.5A)
gooseneck lamp assembly, (such as the
Furman GN-LED or GN-I). Simply slide the
BNC plug over the socket and rotate clockwise
until the connector snaps into the locked
position. The rear rack lamp can be powered
on or off with the rear light power switch
located on the far left of the front panel.
The Series II’s front panel LED lamps must
be replaced by qualied Furman service
Multi-Segment LED voltmeter:
(PL-PRO II only)
This three-color, 20-LED bargraph is an
accurate, self checking AC voltmeter that
continually measures normal voltages. The
meter reads from 90 to 128 volts in 2 volt
increments (PL-PRO E II: 180 to 256 volts, in
4 volt increments). The normal range voltages
are indicated in green, with moderate and
extremely high or low voltages in yellow and
red respectively. The voltmeter provides three
special ashing patterns to indicate abnormal
Mains Vltg. Voltage Status Voltmeter Reading Outlets
80-90 Low Marginal The LED beneath the 90V mark flashes ON
90-104 Low Meter Reads in Low Red ON
106-108 Medium Low Meter Reads in Low Yellow ON
110-120 Normal Meter Reads in Green ON
122-124 Medium High Meter Reads in High Yellow ON
126-128 High Meter Reads in High Red ON
130-140 High Marginal All Meter LEDs Flash ON
Above 140 Extreme (Shutdown) Meter off—Extreme Voltage LED illuminates OFF
Multi-Segment LED Voltmeter Readings