Shutdown cutoff voltage (135 - 140
volts, 260 – 265 volts E version, 120
- 125 volts J version).
(3) If none of the LED’s on the voltmeter
are lit, and the Extreme Voltages
LED indicator is illuminated, then the
PL-Plus II has shut down power to its
outlets because the input voltage is in
a range considered extreme (in excess
of 135 volts - 260 volts E version, 120
volts J version).
Digital Voltmeter:
(PL-Plus D II and PM-8 II only)
Furman’s laboratory precision AC digital
voltmeter continually measures incoming
voltages, within a typical tolerance of +/-
1.5VAC. It should be noted that the voltage
reading is incoming. No adjustment should be
necessary on these units.
Digital Current Meter: (PM-8 II only)
Furman’s laboratory precision AC digital
current meter continually measures the total
circuit AC load, within a typical tolerance of
+/- 0.5 amp. Because these meters feature
true R.M.S. technology, the current readings
are accurate regardless of load conditions
(capacitive, inductive or resistive).
NOTE: The PL-8 II, PL-Plus II, PL-Plus D
II, and PM-8 II do not compensate for high or
low line voltage. If you frequently move your
rack to different locations, derive power from
generators, use long extension cords, travel
internationally, or are in an area prone to
brownouts, you may benet from the use of
one of Furman’s AC Line Voltage Regulators.
On/Off Rocker Switch:
This 15 amp capacity power switch is specically
designed to stand up to the enormous high inrush
current demands of many Power Ampliers.
Additionally, the semi-transparent rocker lights
when switched to the “ON” position. (E-versions
feature 10 amp capacity)
Extreme Voltage Shutdown Indicator:
This LED is normally off. It monitors a hazard
common in the entertainment industry: wiring
faults – for example, accidental connection
to 220VAC where 120VAC is expected, or an
open neutral from a 208 or 240VAC feed. The
Series II SMP+ circuit senses voltages that are
so high that operation would be impossible and
shuts the power down before damage can occur.
Upon initially applying power to these units, the
Extreme Voltage indicator LED will light if the
input voltage is above the extreme voltage cutoff,
and power will not be applied to the unit’s outlets.
If the unit has been operating with an acceptable
input voltage and subsequently that voltage
exceeds 135V, it will shut off power to the outlet
and the Extreme Voltage LED will light.
E version: over voltage shut down is 260 VAC
J version: over voltage shut down is 125 VAC
Guards against open neutral and accidental
connection to 300+ VAC
Protection OK Indicator:
Although the Furman SMP circuit assures virtually
free protection from transient voltage spikes and
surges, nature has a way of occasionally creating
electrical forces that are beyond the capabilities
of any TVSS device to absorb without some
degree of damage. In the rare instance that this
occurs, the green “Protection OK” LED indicator
located on your front panel will dim. If this
happens, some level of protection from voltage
surges will remain, but the Furman’s clamping