2.2 CardMinder Viewer Window
• Search Text
Enter the character string for the required card data to be searched for (for example
for "Full Name" or "Company").
• Search Result Data List
A list of the card data found as a result of the character string entered in [Search
Text:] is shown.
This window may be hidden and will be displayed when more than one card is found.
Clicking arranges the card data in order of full names.
Clicking arranges the card data in order of company names.
Full names or companies are sorted according to the order of character codes.
• Card Image
Shows the image of the card data selected in the Search Result Data List.
• Attachment Pane
Shows the files attached to the card data as icons.
Show Count of Business
Shows "the position of the selected card
data/the number of cards as research
Next Shows the next card of the currently
selected card image.
Last Shows the last card image of the search
Show CardMinder Shows the selected card data in the
CardMinder window.
Attachment Pane Shows/hides the Attachment Pane.
Button Button name Description