5.18.3 Backup/Restore Command Messages................................. 290
■ Information ...................................................................... 290
■ Error ................................................................................ 290
5.18.4 Audit Log Export Command Messages................................ 295
Chapter 6 Regular User Operations ...................................... 296
6.1 Loading Documents ..................................................... 297
6.1.1 How to Load Documents...................................................... 297
6.1.2 Loading Documents Using a Carrier Sheet.......................... 300
6.2 Using LCD Touch Panel Windows: Regular User ...... 303
6.2.1 [Main Menu] Window............................................................ 303
6.2.2 [Job Menu] Window.............................................................. 304
6.2.3 Regular User Settings Overview.......................................... 305
6.3 Logging in: Regular User Mode ................................... 306
6.4 Sending the Scanned Data by e-Mail .......................... 309
6.4.1 Selecting an e-Mail Target from the e-Mail Address Book... 313
6.4.2 Adding an e-Mail Target to the e-Mail Address Book........... 317
6.4.3 Editing an e-Mail Target in the e-Mail Address Book ........... 321
6.4.4 Deleting an e-Mail Target from the e-Mail Address Book .... 323
6.5 Sending the Scanned Data by Fax .............................. 324
6.5.1 Selecting a Fax Number from the Fax Number List............. 327
6.5.2 Adding a Contact to the Fax Number List ............................ 329
6.5.3 Editing a Contact in the Fax Number List............................. 331
6.5.4 Deleting a Contact from the Fax Number List...................... 332
6.6 Printing the Scanned Data ........................................... 333
6.6.1 Scaling ................................................................................. 337
6.6.2 Positioning............................................................................ 341
6.6.3 Print Side.............................................................................. 343
6.7 Saving the Scanned Data to a Network Folder .......... 344
6.8 Saving the Scanned Data to a SharePoint Folder ...... 348