Induction Heater C Library User Manual Version 1.2
6. System Operate
6.1. Key & Led Definition
The system key buttons and leds are defined as below.
Key Define
Clear---------------Clear the timer.
Timer---------------Set the timer.
Inc-------------------Power increase.
Dec-----------------Power decrease.
M-Inc---------------Mode increase.
M-Dec--------------Mode decrease.
View----------------Change the display, power or timer.
Power--------------Turn on or turn off the device.
Led Define
Error----------------Error display.
Timer---------------Timer display.
CaoCai-------------Mode display.
HuoGuo-------------Mode display.
DunCai-------------Mode display.
BaoTang-------------Mode display.
BaoWen-------------Mode display.
Power----------------Power display.
Error Code
Main sensor break circuit
Main sensor short circuit
Main sensor temp not change
IGBT sensor break circuit
IGBT sensor short circuit