1.7 External Trigger Input Terminal Specifications
1.7 External Trigger Input Terminal Specifications
The emulator has a TRIG terminal for input of external trigger signals.
■ External trigger input terminal specifications
External trigger input is a function (external trigger break function) that is used to input a break
signal from external test equipment, such as a logic analyzer connected to the emulator, to the
evaluation MCU on the emulator.
Table 1.7-1 "External trigger input terminal specifications" lists the external trigger input terminal
specifications, and Figure 1.7-1 "Configuration of the peripheral circuit for the external trigger
input terminal" shows the corresponding peripheral circuit configuration.
Figure 1.7-1 Configuration of the peripheral circuit for the external trigger input terminal
■ Precautions on use
Before using the external trigger function, read the following explanation on break slip so that
you understand its characteristics.
❍ Break slip
A trigger signal input via the external trigger input terminal is encoded in the emulator internal
circuit into the emulator interface command code. The signal is then transmitted to the
evaluation MCU in the emulator system. The emulator interface has lower clock frequency than
that the evaluation MCU (the ratio of these clock frequencies depends on the evaluation MCU
used). Therefore, a relatively large break slip (in a range of dozens to hundreds of machine
clock pulses) occurs between trigger signal input and the associated break operation of the
evaluation MCU.
Table 1.7-1 External trigger input terminal specifications
Terminal name Input or output Description
TRIG Input Used to input external trigger signals.
This terminal is used for break function control.
The active signal triggered by a transition from level L
to H or that by a transition from level H to L can be
A break occurs at detection of the selected active
signal that is input.
To internal emulator circuit
TRIG terminal
BNC connector
100 KΩ