
System Administration 177
In case the XSCF unit is duplicated configuration, the setting automatically
reflected to the standby XSCF. When there's a defect on the standby XSCF, it
leads to an error.
When using an external certification authority, it leads to an error in the
following cases.
When the "-c gencsr" option or the "-c enable" option is executed, without
executing the "-c genserverkey" option.
Create the private key of the web server using the "-c genserverkey"
When the "-c enable" option is executed, without executing the "-c
importca" option.
Import a web server certificate using the "-c importca" option.
When the web server certificate which imported by executing the "-c
importca" option does not correspond to the private key of the web server
which has been created by executing the "-c genserverkey" option.
Confirm the validity of the web server certificate.
The information which has been set will be reflected by using the
rebootxscf(8) command to reset XSCF.
The details of the current HTTPS service can be checked by using the
showhttps(8) command.
EXAMPLE 1 Starts the HTTPS service.
EXAMPLE 2 Stops the HTTPS service.
EXAMPLE 3 Creates a CSR with the following settings: country: JP, state|province: Kanaga-
wa, locality: Kawasaki, organization: Example, organizationalunit: develop-
ment, common: scf-host, e-mail: abc@example.com
EXAMPLE 4 Createsthe self-certification authoritywith thefollowing settings, andcreates
a self-signed web server certificate:country: JP, state|province: Kanagawa, lo-
cality: Kawasaki, organization: Example, organizationalunit: development, com-
XSCF> sethttps -c enable
Continue? [y|n] :y
Please reset the XSCF by rebootxscf to apply the https settings.
XSCF> sethttps disable
XSCF> sethttps -c gencsr JP Kanagawa Kawasaki Example development
\ scf-host abc@example.com