Access levels Appliance Management Panel
Complete one of the following steps:
• To add a new user, click the Add button. The Add User window opens.
• To modify a user, select a user name and click the Modify button. The Modify
User window opens.
Complete one of the following steps:
• When adding a user, enter the user name and password to assign to the user
and then verify the password by typing it in the Verify Password field.
• When modifying a user, change the password, if needed.
When Use LDAP for Authentication only is selected in the Global -
Authentication category, the password field is disabled and only the access rights
of the user are used.
Select the needed access level for this user from the pull-down menu. If you select
the User option, the Access Rights button is visible.
a. To select individual target device access for the user, click the Access Rights
button. The User Access Rights window opens.
b. To add access to target devices, select one or more target devices in the left
(No access to) column. Click the Add button.
c. To remove access to target devices, select one or more target devices in the
right (Allow access to) column. Click the Remove button.
d. Repeat steps b and c until the right (Allow access to) column represents the
applicable target device access for this user, and then click OK.
Complete one of the following steps:
•Click Apply to save any changes without exiting the AMP.
•Click OK to save any changes and exit the AMP.
•Click Cancel to exit the AMP without saving any changes. Deleting a user
Click the Settings tab in the AMP.
Select the Users category.
Select the user or users to delete.
Click the Delete button. You are prompted to confirm the deletion.
Click Yes to confirm the deletion.
Complete one of the following steps:
•Click Apply to save any changes without exiting the AMP.
•Click OK to save any changes and exit the AMP.
•Click Cancel to exit the AMP without saving any changes.