Error Handling
This appendix describes processor behavior to a programmer writing operating
system, firmware, and recovery code for SPARC64 V. Section headings differ from
those of Appendix P of Commonality.
P. 1 E r r o r C l as si fi c at i on
On SPARC64 V, an error is classified into one of the following four categories,
depending on the degree to which it obstructs program execution:
1. Fatal error
2. Error state transition error
3. Urgent error
4. Restrainable error
The subsections below describe each error class.
P.1.1 Fatal Error
A fatal error is one of the following errors that damages the entire system.
a. Error breaking data integrity on the system (excluding the SDC)
All errors, except the SDC (system data corruption) error, that break cache
coherency are in this category.
b. Invalid system control flow is detected and therefore validity of the subsequent
system behavior cannot be guaranteed.