
MMB Web-UI (Web User Interface) Operations
FIGURE 1.74 [SNMP Community] window
TABLE 1.102 Setting and display items in the [SNMP Community] window
System Name
Displays the SNMP system name.
System Location
Sets the System Location of SNMP.
You can use alphanumeric characters, spaces, and the following characters:
! " # $ % & ' ( ) = - ^ ~ ¥ @ ` [ ] { } : ; * + ? < > . , / _ |
However, the following restrictions apply:
The character string cannot begin with a space or #.
The character string cannot end with a space.
System Contact
Sets the System Contact for SNMP.
The characters that can be specified for System Contact are the same as those for
[System Location].
Sets the SNMP Community string for SNMP v1 and v2.
Alternatively, it sets the user name for SNMP v3.
You can use alphanumeric characters and the following characters:
! " # $ % & '( ) * + , - . / @ [ ] ^_ ` { | } ~
However, the character string cannot begin with " (double quotation mark), # (number
sign), ' (single quotation mark), or ` (back quotation mark).