
About screen illustrations 4
Academy Awards 10
Another way to search 6
Arrow keys 5
Awards, locating movies by 10
Book cards, installing and
removing 3
Cast members, finding movies by 7
Categories, locating movies by 9
Changing settings 5
Clearing scores 15
Contrast, setting 5
Critic rating, locating movies by 10
Directors, finding movies by 8
Disable demo 5
Finding, movie review 6
Games, playing 13
Hangman, playing 14
Help, finding 5
Movie quiz, playing 14
Movie review, finding 6
Movies starring the same cast
member 8
MPAA rating, locating movies by 10
Multiple search items 11
placing 12
removing 13
viewing 13
Playing Games 13
Playing Hangman 14
Playing movie quiz 14
Removing a note 13
Removing book cards 3
Scores, saving & clearing 15
Selecting a range of years 11
Selecting more than one cast
member 7
Set type size 5
Setting the year range in games 13
Shutoff, setting 5
Star key combinations 2
Theme, finding movies by 9
Type Size, setting 5
Viewing a note 13
Year, locating movies by 10