
9 - 26 92B/96B/99B/105B Users Manual
Input Coupling Modes of signal transmission for INPUT
A and INPUT B: AC coupling, DC coupling, and GND
(Scope only).
Input selection Select if and how the INPUTS A and B
are displayed in Scope mode. This can be normal display,
inverted display, or neither.
Interface Isolated optical to RS-232 Interface port for
printer output and computer interfacing.
Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) A display that uses liquid
crystals to display waveforms and text on its screen.
Main Display The center display area that shows
measurement results or displays the waveform(s).
Marker Identifies the point on the waveform on which a
measurement has occurred or is expected to occur. The
marker appears as an "X".
Master Reset Procedure to restore the ScopeMeter test
tool to a set of initial standard settings.
Maximum Peak The highest voltage value of a
Menu A list of choices on the display to select functions
via the five function keys.
Messages On-line information for the user, provided in
situations where there is a conflict.
Meter Mode In this setting, the ScopeMeter test tool
works like a digital multimeter, presenting information in
numerical readings, and with a reduced Scope display.
Minimum Peak The lowest voltage value of a waveform.
Min Max Envelope Scope mode feature that displays
changes in the shape of a live waveform as a grey area
around the actual trace.
N-Cycle Trigger function, the input signal is divided by N
before a trigger occurs. This creates a stable picture for
waveforms with a cyclic character.
Noise Extraneous electrical signal, mostly unwanted.
Non-Repetitive Pulse A random electrical waveform,
with no specific pattern or frequency.
Oscillations The up-and-down peaks of a waveform.
One oscillation consists of one complete up-peak and one
complete down-peak.
Oscilloscope A device for viewing and diagnosing
electrical signals such as waveforms.
Peak-to-Peak The highest and lowest voltage value of a
Percentage of Pulse Width The ratio of signal on-time
to its total cycle time, as measured in percent.