
Users Manual
Open Circuit Voltage
3.2 V maximum
Continuity Capture Time
50 us maximum, 10 us typical
Input Protection
500 volts dc or rms ac
When the meter is set to measure frequency and there is no input signal
(i.e., input terminals are open), the meter may read approximately 25 kHz
(rather than the expected zero). This is due to internal capacitive pickup of
the inverter power supply into the high-impedance, input circuitry. With
source impedance of <2 k
, this pickup will not affect the accuracy or
stability of the frequency a reading.
Frequency Range
5 Hz to >1 MHz
Applicable Functions
Volts ac and Current AC
Slow & Medium Fast
1000 Hz
10 kHz
100 kHz
1000 kHz
1 MHz*
.01 Hz
.1 Hz
1 Hz
10 Hz
100 Hz
.1 Hz
1 Hz
10 Hz
100 Hz
1 kHz
05% + 2
.05% + 1
.05% + 1
.05% + 1
Not Specified
* Specified to 1 MHz, but will measure above 1 MHz.
Sensitivity of AC Voltage
Frequency Level (sine wave)
5 Hz-100 kHz
100 kHz - 300 kHz
300 kHz - 1 MHz
Above 1 MHz
30 mV rms
100 mV rms
1 V V rms
Not specified
Sensitivity Level of AC Current
Frequency Input Level
5 Hz-20 kHz
45 Hz-2 kHz
100 mA
10 A
>3 mA rms
>3 A rms