Using in Scope Mode 5 - 19
When viewing signals from an interlaced video system, you
may need to use the 4-field sequence function to get a
stable display, as described in the next section, "Using the
4-Field Sequence Function".
4. To begin the waveform display at some time before or
after the trigger point, press (TIME DELAY) on
the TV trigger menu; then use to increase
or decrease the time delay. Note that the waveform
shifts to the right or the left while doing so.
To return to the original time delay, press .
Using the 4-field Sequence Function
In interlaced video systems the color information in a
selected line may be alternating between two phases or
between two amplitudes. This depends on the video
system under test. If you use the 4-field sequence function,
each second frame is discarded (i.e. the test tool displays
the line in a 4-field sequence) and the alternating image
gets stable. Using the AVERAGE WAVEFORM function
(under the key), with the 4-field sequence function
gives you more accurate measurements.
Figure 5-15 shows the effect of the 4-Field Sequence and
Next Frame functions on a color burst display.