Help collect the toys!
Listen for the letter you need to fi nd.
Steer the handlebars to move the army
men towards the matching block.
Pedal the cycle to slow down the falling
army men.
• When you’re fi nished with this activity,
press the exit button to return to
Andy’s room. Pedal to the next activity.
Use the joystick to fi nd the letter you
need. Then, press a red handlebar
button to choose the letter.
Be careful not to choose the wrong
letter or you will lose a life.
Level 1 - Find the letters to spell the
word for the picture shown.
Level 2 - Find the missing fi rst letter in
the word shown.
Level 3 - Find the missing last letter in
the word shown.
• When you’re fi nished with this
activity, press the exit button
to return to the Andy’s room. Pedal
to the next activity.
Spell words with Andy’s blocks!
Use the joystick to choose a player.
Then, press a red handlebar button to
make your selection.
Help Buzz complete the pattern!
• Watch and listen to the pattern played
on the xylophone.
• Use the joystick to select the correct
bar. Then, press a red handlebar
button to play the note on that bar!
• Repeat this process to repeat the
patterns as they get longer!
• When you’re fi nished with this
activity, press the exit button
to return to Andy’s room. Pedal to
the next activity.
Help Buzz complete the pattern!