Rhythm & Numbers Farm
Level 1
Press a key on the piano to learn •
about animals! Listen to the name of
the animal and the sound it makes.
Keep pressing the keys to hear a song!•
Slide the trumpet, turn the puppy or •
spin the roller to watch the animals
on screen.
Body Moves Dance Party
Level 1
Press a key on the piano to learn about •
different parts of the body. Keep
pressing keys to hear a song!
Slide the trumpet, turn the puppy or •
spin the roller to change the animal
on screen.
Level 2
Press a key on the piano to hear a body •
part. Watch the animals to see what
they do. Now it’s your turn! “Toes,
touch your toes!” “Wiggle your hips
side to side.”
Slide the trumpet, turn the puppy or •
spin the roller for special effects!
Level 2
Press a key
• on the piano to count
animals on the farm. Keep pressing
keys to hear a song!
Slide the trumpet, turn the puppy or •
spin the roller for special effects!