Owner's Manual
with Assembly Instructions
For Models 77760, 77767, 77768
Product features may vary from the picture above.
Please read this manual and save it with your original sales receipt.
Tools needed for assembly: Phillips Screwdriver and Slotted Screwdriver (both not included).
Use only with a Power Wheels
6 Volt (4.0 Amp/Hr.) Battery, Power Wheels
25 Amp Fuse and
Power Wheels
6 Volt (4.0 Amp/Hr.) charger (all included).
Kawasaki and KX125
are trademarks used under license by Kawasaki
Motors Corp., U.S.A. However, this product is neither manufactured nor
distributed by Kawasaki Motors Corp., U.S.A. Consumer inquiries should
be directed to: Power Wheels by Fisher-Price
Little Kawa 9/20/02 1:36 PM Page 1