Your CZ-3D will give you a quick and approximate depth reading
of coin-size targets, usually within an inch.
1. Place the search coil lightly on the ground at least
twelve inches away from your target area.
2. Press and hold the PINPOINT button.
3. Still pressing the PINPOINT button, bring the coil back
over the target and pinpoint its location by stopping
the coil over the point where you get maximum
pitch, volume and needle response.
4. Place the search coil lightly on the ground directly
over the target, and still pressing the PINPOINT
button, note the position of the needle over the
depth reading scale. For example, if the needle is
midway between the four inch and six inch marks,
your target is approximately five inches deep.
You will quickly realize that the depth reading
procedure is just like pinpointing, however there is
one very important difference: When pinpointing,
where or when you press the pinpoint button is not
real critical. It is often desirable to “detune” your
target by pressing the button when the search coil
is very close to your target and either on the ground
or slightly above it. When taking a depth reading,
however, it is important that the coil be placed lightly
on the ground at least twelve inches away from
the target (or any other metal) before pressing the
PINPOINT button. Also, remember that while you can
pinpoint just about any size target, depth reading is
only accurate for coin size targets.