If the engine compartment is equipped with a powered ventilation system, U.S.
Coast Guard Rule 162.029 requires that the ground connection of the ventilation
system be connected to the Fireboy system. Failure to connect a powered
ventilation system in the manner described below impedes fire
extinguisher and may prevent fire extinguishment.
Powered Ventilation Systems (Blowers)
1. Determine the maximum current draw of the powered ventilation
2. For current draw not exceeding 5 amps either:
• Connect the negative (-) wire of the ventilation blower to the pressure
switch at the same point as the indicator lamp, or
• Connect the negative (-) wire of the ventilation blower to the number
1 terminal of a Fireboy Automatic Engine Shutdown system if
available (recommended)
3. For current draw exceeding 5 amps connect the negative (-) wire of the
powered ventilation system to the number (1) terminal of a Fireboy
Automatic Engine Shutdown system.
The Escutcheon plate LED is connected to the pressure switch at the same point
that auxiliary devices can be connected. Care must be taken when wiring other
devices to the pressure switch to ensure the presence of the LED does not affect
the operation of the device. Contact Fireboy-Xintex technical support regarding
any installation questions.
Use of indicator lamp
• The Fireboy System indicator lamp is designed to announce to the
helmsman the state of the fire extinguisher when the ignition key is in the
ON position.
• A GLOWING green light indicates the Fireboy system is CHARGED.
• A NON GLOWING light indicates the Fireboy system is DISCHARGED.
Cable Installation
1. All Fireboy MA Systems installations must use only genuine Fireboy
cables and associated components that are engineered specifically for
this application.
2. Nothing else will provide the intended degree of safety and reliability
inherent in these systems.
3. Any substitution will void all laboratory and Coast Guard approvals and
Fireboy-Xintex warranties, and may result in an inoperative system, and
unsafe and hazardous conditions.
4. Never install a manual release handle in the space to be protected.
5. Never install a cable on a CG2 Series. For use on MA2 Series only.