WSUTIL User Guide
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WSUTIL is a console program for computing and loading filter profiles on to a WaveShaper
device. It generates the WaveShaper profile from a WaveShaper configuration file (.wsconfig)
and a WaveShaper Preset file (.wsp). This software automatically initializes the WaveShaper
and then loads the generated profile. This software also supports firmware updates.
The WaveShaper Preset (WSP) file format allows the user to specify arbitrary filter shapes
and control the port to which the light is sent within the operating range of the WaveShaper.
The format of a WSP filter is a tab delimited text string with four columns: Absolute
Frequency (THz), Attenuation (dB), Phase (Rad) and Port Number. The following rules must
be followed to create a valid WSP filter/switch specification:
1. The frequencies need to be defined in absolute values, in units of THz, and with a
resolution of 0.001 THz (1 GHz). For C-band WaveShapers, the frequency range in
the file should be within the range of 191.250 to 196.275 THz. Frequency values must
increment in 0.001 THz (1 GHz) steps. A partial definition that covers a continuous
range within the valid frequency range is also allowed.
2. The port needs to be defined in the fourth column. Selecting Port 0 sets that frequency
to “Block”. Please ensure that the ports specified in this column are ports that are
available on the WaveShaper (“0” and “1” are valid in the case of a WaveShaper
1000, values 0-4 are valid for a WaveShaper 4000).
3. The minimum bandwidth of each band of frequencies that is to be sent to a particular
output port needs to be at least 0.010 THz (10 GHz).
An example of a WSP that covers Frequency range from 191.25 THz to 191.26THz is shown
Frequency Attenuation Phase Port (NOTE: Header is not part of WSP text)
191.250 22.80047795 -1.57079 1
191.251 21.44946085 -1.57079 1
191.252 20.45124262 -1.57079 1
191.253 19.67334849 -1.57079 1
191.254 19.04887819 -1.57079 1
191.255 18.53944068 -1.57079 1
191.256 18.12109447 -1.57079 1
191.257 17.77804197 -1.57079 1
191.258 17.49945843 -1.57079 1
191.259 17.27776055 -1.57079 1
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