RESTRICTED USE ONLY Fargo Electronics, Inc.
HDPii High Definition Card Printer/Encoder User Guide (Rev. 1.1)
Using the Advanced Image Color window (continued)
Step Procedure
3 For the Balance slider bar controls, see below.
• Click OK to accept any variance from the default (for this specific slider
bar) and return to the Image Color tab window.
• Click Cancel to negate any variance on the slide and return to the Image
Color tab window.
• Click on the Default button to clear changes back to the default settings
for this window only.
In addition, here are further instructions:
• Yellow Balance (Default, 0%): Move the slide to the left for (-) or less
yellow as an individual color. Move the slide to the right (+) or more
yellow as an individual color balance. Study the image (on the right) to
determine correct color yellow balance effect.
• Magenta Balance (Default, 0%): Move the slide to the left for (-) or less
magenta as an individual color. Move the slide to the right (+) or more
magenta as an individual color balance. Study the image (on the right) to
determine correct color magenta balance effect.
• Cyan Balance (Default, 0%): Move the slide to the left for (-) or less
cyan as an individual color balance. Move the slide to the right (+) or
more cyan as an individual color balance. Study the image (on the right)
to determine correct color cyan balance effect.