48 Section 6: Using the Print Backgrounder for Macintosh
4250/4225 Card Printer UserÕs Manual
application (interpreting mouse clicks, key presses, etc.). When the priority is set to
High, Backgrounder processes the image faster, but the foreground application
may become less responsive. With the priority set to Low, Backgrounder takes
longer to process the image, yet the responsiveness of the other applications is
Jobs menu
All commands in the Jobs menu act on the currently selected job.
Hold: Prevents an individual job from being processed. Jobs that are Òon holdÓ are
displayed in italic font at the bottom of the queue. Placing a job on hold is useful if
you wish to create a print job at present, yet save its processing until later.
If Hold is selected on the job currently processing, the job is canceled before it is
placed on hold. Canceling the current job can take some time, since the printer
software may be performing a lengthy task that cannot be interrupted.
Remove Hold: Moves the job from the hold section of the list and places it at the
bottom of the waiting queue.
Delete: Permanently removes the selected print job. The corresponding spool file is
deleted from the Spool Folder. Use this command only when you are sure that you
do not wish to process the job. Note that the job currently processing cannot be
deleted (this happens automatically when it is printed successfully).
Move Job Up and Move Job Down: Adjusts the position of the selected job in the
queue, allowing you to prioritize jobs. The queue is processed in top-to-bottom
Errors that are detected during a background print must be reported. The
Backgrounder, however, cannot simply present a dialog box as soon as the error
occurs, since the dialog could obscure work that is being done in the foreground.
Error dialogs appear immediately, however, if the Backgrounder is in the
foreground when the error is detected.
If operating in the background, Backgrounder stops processing until it is brought to
the front. When Backgrounder detects an error, it beeps and visually indicates an
error condition. This error condition is signaled by alternately flashing between the
Application menu and the Backgrounder icon. A small diamond symbol is also
displayed next to the Backgrounder icon within the Application menu.
Complete and save any work in the foreground application before bringing the
Backgrounder to the front. Once Backgrounder is in the foreground, the error
dialog displays and processing continues or is canceled. Some errors force
Backgrounder to stop processing all jobs.
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