
PrimeraPro Control Interface
PPCI is provided to allow additional control over
the PrimeraProÕs printing operation. Normally the
PPCI program will be copied to the sys:WBStartup
drawer so that it will execute on startup. The
PrimeraPro driver will use default settings if PPCI
does not alter them. Therefore, if you are not doing
high-resolution or dye-sublimation printing, PPCI is
not needed and may be removed. On the other
hand, PPCI is needed for 600dpi or dye-sublimation
printing and must be running, whether hidden
(PopUp=No) or visible (PopUp=Yes, default), and
may be run from startup or at any time prior to
print time. Progress on the print job can be viewed
on the PPCI in the IDLE window if the PPCI is left
running during the print job.
The PPCI.info icon contains tool types which may
be edited to alter the operation of the printer.
However, this program may be ignored if you donÕt
need to change the printer settings from the defaults
(the heat setting is a common adjustment). The
settings are as follows:
Tool Types:
DONOTWAIT Terminate but Stay
Resident (required).
(BaseName= Remove Ò( )Ó to specify
device:drawer/name) temporary file location.
Heat=49 Heat Adjustment 1 to 96
(see manual).
WLeft=0 Left position of window on
WTop=0 Top position of window on
PopUp=Yes Should window appear?
XOFFset=0 Shift image to right by
number of pixels
(at 300dpi=1 inch).
YOFFset=0 Shift image downward on
page by number of pixels
(at 300 or 600dpi=1 inch).
Paper=0 Paper size (0=A-size).
Ribbon=3 Ribbon Type
(3=3color Photo)
(4=Mono Photo)
(5=4color Photo)