
B. Character Set
installed, the printer still assumes that there is a
color ribbon installed. Therefore, the monochrome
ribbon is advanced in order for the printer to verify
that it is not printing on a yellow panel. In this
configuration, the printer always assumes that a
color ribbon is installed, even when printing
monochrome information.
3. In configuration #2, when color page
information is sent to the printer it will print
normally. When monochrome page information is
sent to the printer, the printer will not move the
ribbon before printing, even if a color ribbon is
installed. In this configuration, the printer always
assumes that a monochrome ribbon is installed
when printing monochrome information. If you
often switch back and forth between color and
monochrome ribbons, be sure that switch #1 is in
the ÒdownÓ or ÒonÓ position. This will save
monochrome ribbon when printing monochrome
PrimeraProÕs built-in Letter Gothic 12 cpi character
set is used mainly for DOS-based printing. Default
character set is IBMÕs Code Page 850 (sometimes
referred to as PC-850), which includes characters
for most European languages. In Table A-2,
different country character set selections are listed.
A portion of the actual printout from PrimeraProÕs
self test is illustrated in Table A-3. It lists all
available resident bit-mapped characters along
with specific characters for each country selection.