a Power indicator LED — This LED lights:
Green when the amplifier is receiving full power.
Amber when the amplifier is in Standby mode. Standby mode turns off all
outputs from the amplifier, although the amplifier is still receiving power (see d
of “Rear Panel Features and Operation).”
b Over Temp indicator LED — This LED lights red when the amplifier exceeds the
recommended operating temperature for optimal lifetime. The LED turns off after the
amplifier has cooled down sufficiently.
Should the LED light, check the following:
• Verifythattheplacementoftheamplierallowsforadequateventilationand
• Avoidplacingotherequipmentontopoftheamplier.
• Verifythattheoperatingtemperatureiswithinthespeciedrange.
c Signal indicator LEDs (channels 1, 2, 3, and 4) — These LEDs (representing input
channels 1, 2, 3, and 4) light green only when an input signal is detected on the
corresponding channel.
NOTE: These LEDs are also located on the rear panel.
d Limiter/Protect indicator LEDs (channels 1, 2, 3, and 4) — These LEDs
(representing output channels 1, 2, 3, and 4) light red under the following
• Whenaudioclippingoccurs,thecorrespondingchannel’sLEDblinksonceperclip
• Whentheamplieroverheats,bothLEDsarelit.TheLEDsarenotlitafterthe
amplifier recovers from the overheated condition.
• WhenDCoutputisdetected,theamplierismalfunctioningandtheLED for the
corresponding channel is lit. The amplifier requires servicing when this event
• Whentheoutputleadsareshorted,theLEDofthecorrespondingchannelislit
until the short is removed.
NOTE: These LEDs are also located on the rear panel.
XTRA Full Rack Power Amplier Series • Operation 8