Temperature Measurements (MV-120 only)
1. Insert the type K thermocouple mini-connector into the "K" socket.
2. Set the rotary switch to the ºF or ºC position.
3. The value of the measured temperature will appear in the LCD.
Transistor hFe Measurements
1. Move the rotary select switch to the hFe position
2. Plug the transistor under test into the appropriate transistor input jacks on the meter front.
3. For transistor types PNP and NPN, the meter has matching input sockets. Also, for each leg of the transistor (E, B,
and C) the meter has matching input sockets. Plug the transistor into the sockets that match its type.
4. Read the hFe value on the LCD display.
Auto Power Shut-Off
To conserve battery power, the meter will automatically power down if it has not been used for more than 15 minutes.
Battery Replacement
Remove the test leads from the meter and remove the screw from the battery compartment cover (rear bottom). Lift off
the cover, replace the battery, and replace battery cover.