When the edges of a button are lit, the button is a valid choice for the
information currently displayed on the LCD. When the edges are dark, the
button is not a valid choice and performs no action.
Ta bl e 3 -1 describes the actions performed by the operator panel buttons.
Figure 3-2 Operator panel buttons
Up a Level
Next Choice
Previous Choice
Down a Level
Table 3-1 Operator button descriptions
Button Description
Next Choice (right arrow) – Press this button to move forward through the selections in a
Note: If you are entering a password, press this button to move forward through the
available values at a character position. Press and hold the button to move rapidly
through the available values.
Previous Choice (left arrow) – Press this button to move backward through the selections in
a menu.
Note: If you are entering a password, press this button to move backward through the
available values at a character position. Press and hold the button to move rapidly
through the available values.
Down a Level (down arrow) – Press this button to move down into a lower level of menus.
For example, if the screen is displaying one of the main menus, press this button to view that
menu’s sub-menus.
Note: If you are entering a password, press this button to move forward through the
character positions of the password.
Up a Level (up arrow) – Press this button to return to the previous level of menus. At the top
level of menus, pressing this button returns to the Home screen.
If you are making selections within a menu and change your mind about a selection, press this
button to return to the previous screen without enacting the change.
Note. If you are entering a password, press this button to move backward through the
character positions of the password.
Select – Press this button to cause an operation displayed on the LCD to be enacted. For
example, if you are changing a SCSI ID, pressing this button causes the new value you have
entered to take effect.
As confirmation, after you press the Select button, the original screen for changing the value
reappears and displays the new value.