The alarm inputs can be used for recording start or recording rate adjustment. Furthermore, alarm reactions
such as camera switching to monitors, buzzer, e-mail and network alarm are available. 4 alarm output
relays can be switched if required.
Additionally the DVR provides 4 x TTL - level control outputs with similar functionality as the relay outputs.
2.3.1 Alarm Input Contacts
EPARA8 provides 8 alarm inputs, EPARA16 provides 16. All inputs are programmable N.O. (Normal Open)
or N.C. (Normal Closed)
Inputs have to be switched by dry contacts.
Alarm input with N.O. (Normal Open) contact Alarm input with N.C. (Normal Closed) contact
in idle state in idle state
All settings are programmed in the ALARM menu (chapter 5.5.1).
2.3.2 Control Input Contact
The Control Input CTRL IN is a N.O. (Normal Open) contact. Changing to N.C. is not possible.
Control Input relay in idle state
The Control Input Contact CTRL IN is defined in I/O Control menu ( chapter 5.10.4) for following
possible functions:
1. Playback: Playback is active as long the contact is closed. This function is helpful in
combination with the "Quickplay" function ( chapter 5.4.3)