Appendix E EPSON LQ 2550 and ESC/P2 Quick Reference
Hex Code Format Page
00 Null F-3
08 Backspace F-3
09 Horizontal Tab F-3
0A Line Feed F-3
0B Vertical Tab F-3
0C Form Feed F-3
0D Cariage Return F-3
11 Select Printer F-3
12 Cancel Condensed Mode F-3
13 Deselect Printer F-3
14 Cancel Double Width F-3
18 Cancel Buffer F-3
1B Escape F-3
20 Space F-3
7F Delete F-3
1B 0E or 0E Select Double Width for One Line F-3/7
1B 0F or 0F Select Condensed Mode F-3/7
1B 23 Cancel Most Significant Bit Control F-3
1B 30 Set Line Space to / " F-4
1B 32 Set Line Space to / " F-4
1B 34 Set Italics F-9
1B 35 Cancel Italics F-9
1B 36 Enlarge Print Code Area F-16
1B 37 Enable Upper Control Code Area F-16
1B 3C Select Unidirectional Mode (one line) F-9
1B 3D Set Most Significant Bit to 0 F-3
1B 3E Set Most Significant Bit to 1 F-3
1B 40 Initialize Printer F-3
1B 45 Select Emphasized (bold) F-10
1B 46 Cancel Emphasized F-10