
Using Printer Software Diskettes
If your computer doesn’t have a CD-ROM drive, you can download the driver or
order printer software diskettes from EPSON, as described in the next section. Once
you have your diskettes, follow the steps on page 45 to install the printer software.
Only the printer driver software is available on diskette.
The Guided Printing Exercise and bonus software for
Windows 95, 98, and NT are available only on the printer
software CD-ROM.
Ordering Printer Software Diskettes
You can order printer driver software diskettes from EPSON by phone or fax for
$9.95 shipping and handling (plus tax where applicable), or you can download the
diskette image files. When you’re ready to install your printer software, see page 45.
EPSON Web Page: Point your browser to http://www.epson.com/connects
and select File Downloads (FTP)
EPSON Internet FTP Site: Log on to ftp.epson.com with the user name
anonymous and your e-mail address as the password
Epson America Forum on CompuServe
: Click on Services. . . Go, then type
EPSONFOR in the dialog box
EPSON Download Service: Set your modem’s communications software to
8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, and a maximum speed of 28.8 Kbps. Then dial
the EPSON BBS at (800) 442-2007.
If you need downloading instructions, call EPSON’s FaxAdvice
service at
(800) 922-8911 and request document #1220; be sure to supply a return fax number.
basics.book Page 44 Friday, January 8, 1999 11:57 AM