
220 | Index
configuration settings, 81 to 83,
94 to 95, 125 to 128, 179
custom size, 87 to 90, 108, 117,
120 to 121
cut sheet, see Cut sheet paper
cutting manually, 68
Epson, 55 to 57
handling, 55 to 83
icons, 212
jams, 185 to 186
light, 172, 211
Mac OS X options, 87 to 90
non-Epson, 81 to 83
ordering, 55
printable area, 198
problems, 183 to 186
removing from printer, 69 to 71
roll, see Roll paper
sizes, 191, 194 to 196
specifications, 191 to 198
suction, 82, 95, 126
trim lines, 68, 97, 119
Paper basket
SP 7890, 27 to 33
SP 9890, 34 to 42
storing, 80
using, 76 to 79
Paper cutter, see Cutter
Paper Size setting
Mac OS X, 87 to 90
problems, 181, 182
Windows, 117, 120 to 121
Paper Source setting
icons, 212
problems, 182
Windows, 116, 120
Paper Type, selecting on control
panel, 57 to 58
Pause/reset light, 19, 172, 209 to 211
Pausing print jobs
Mac OS X, 103
Windows, 132
PhotoEnhance, 115
Photoshop, Adobe, 137 to 143
Platen Gap setting
control panel, 75 to 76
Mac OS X, 95
problems, 179
Windows, 126
Power cable, 42
Power cleaning cycle, 151 to 152
Power consumption, 190
Power light, 19, 172, 209 to 211
Mac OS X, 101 to 102
Windows, 129 to 130
Print as Bitmap setting, 134
Print head
aligning, 152 to 153
checking status, 145 to 146
cleaning, 148 to 152, 159
locking for transportation, 168
unlocking, 44
Print jobs
canceling, 103, 132
managing, 103, 132 to 135
pausing, 103, 132
Print quality
Mac OS X, 92
problems, 177 to 180
Windows, 110 to 111
Print speed, improving in Windows,
Printable area, 198