
the DIP
Print direction for graphics
The printer ordinarily prints text bidirectionally for speed and prints
graphics characters unidirectionally for precise vertical alignment.
You can, however, change text printing to unidirectional with the
software command ESC Ul.
If you want to increase printing speed, you can change graphics
character printing to bidirectional by turning DIP switch 2-5 on and
sending the ESC U0 command. If DIP switch 2-5 is off, graphics
character printing is unidirectional whether or not ESC U0 is used.
DIP switch 2-6 controls the skip-over-perforation function. If this
switch is on when you are using continuous paper, the printer
leaves a one-inch (25.4-mm) space between the last printed line on
one page and the first printable line on the next page so that the
printer skips over the perforation.
Most application programs take care of the top and bottom
margins. Do not turn on skip-over-perforation unless your program
does not provide these margins.
If you adjust your top-of-form position to the proper point, you
can get half of the space at the bottom of one page and half at the
top of the next page, as shown below.
Using the Printer