Summary of Main Menu
Enter Main Menu: 10 second timer count down
First Option: Calibrate Sensor, followed by the “YES?” prompt for selection
Second Option: Set Relay Option, followed by the “YES?” prompt for selection
Third Option: Review Settings, followed by the “YES?” prompt for selection
Exit: Return to normal (if no option is selected)
The following table of responses gives a detailed description of toxic detector conditions.
Table 2 - Table of Responses
Conditional Codes
Current O/P
Status LED
Status LED
Alphanumeric display
Main Menu
Calibrate Sensor
Set Relay Options
Review Settings
3 N/A N/A N/A
Start-up delay 3 Slow flash START DELAY
White sensor lead open 2.5 Fast flash SENSOR FAULT
Black sensor lead open 2.5 Slow flash SENSOR FAULT
Red sensor lead open 2.5 Slow flash SENSOR FAULT
Excess drift (>10%) 2.5 Blip/ blink NEG DRIFT
Auto zero set 3 Solid SETTING ZERO
Apply calibration gas 3.3 Fast flash APPLY 50% of full scale
span gas
Span is set, remove gas 3.6 Solid REMOVE GAS
Return to normal operation 3.6 Solid CAL COMPLETE
Normal 4 Blip/ blink 0
Gas present 4.40 - 20.00 Blip/ blink 0 to 100 of full scale
Calibration Procedure
The Toxic Detector should always be calibrated when first installed in the field and prior to
calibration we recommend that the toxic detector run for at least 4 hours.